Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Not So Patiently Waiting

July 3rd and July 10th have both passed now and still no Caitlyn. I officially took myself out of work on July 4th. I was getting to the point where I could not do my job as effectively as I once could and felt like I was a major distraction because everyone was watching to see when I would explode.
We had a false alarm on July 9th. After walking at Concord Mills I started to have contractions about every 10 minutes. Five hours later they were 5 minutes apart. Since we were already in Gastonia and I plan to deliver at Gaston Memorial I called the doctor and told them what was going on. They had me come on into the OB Triage. Disappointingly I was discharged 30 minutes later. Although I was having contractions they were not strong enough to progress my dilation any further. I was very upset.
The next day my mom took me to Concord Mills to shop and I could not even make it out of the corner where Burlington Coat Factory is. Since then I have felt horrible. I have not kept very much food down and just want to sleep. Apparently this is a good sign. Today is by far the worst day yet. I woke up with contractions at 3:30 and have had them throughout the day. The fluctuate in time, but they pain is only getting worse. Hopefully we will have a baby tonight :).